About Punk Rock Permaculture e-zine


big tree
The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens.If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone.  Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.”  – – Bill Mollison

Hi ,all you awesome permies in the blogosphere my name is Evan Schoepke (@gaiapunk) I’m the lead editor of punk rock permaculture e-zine and I live in lovely Olympia, WA USA.

My Background in Permaculture:

In the Spring of 09′ before I graduated from Evergreen State College with a focuses in ecocity development, web communications, and studio arts I received my Permaculture Design Certification after a two week intensive in Costa Rica under the instruction of the lovable Scott Pittman of the U.S. Permaculture Institute.  After my graduation during the spring and summer of 2010 I was very fortunate to do a 3 month Advanced Permaculture Design Internship with Ethan Roland of Appleseed Permaculture.

My Day Job and my Side Jobs

I’m currently working remotely as the Head of Growth for Bonsai,  which is an awesome freelancer and creative studio business management platform. Formerly, I worked remotely as a Business Development Manager for the awesome Barcelona based startup Typeform and as the remote BD for the Malmö based social micro-donation service Flattr.  I have a personal dream someday to help develop software tools for permaculture designers, a monumental project but one that needs to happen.  In Olympia, I work locally with the Cascadia Guerrilla Gardening Brigade, Raccoon Arts Collective, and other community projects whenever I can.  I have a passionate love for street art, guerrilla gardening, cooking food, DIY punk ethics, harmonica wailin’, and riding bikes with friends.

My intention for this e-zine is that it will act as a link between the personal and communal showcasing examples of all the beneficial work being done for the earth around the world.  This is an e-zine about a regenerative culture full of resistance and inspiring creativity.  Anyone is welcome to become a syndicated submitter and add relevant posts, articles, art, stories, and multimedia to this blog just email thejulianeffect@gmail.com with the subject:

“Punk Rock Permaculture”

Here is a list of some other blogs that I work on sometimes too:

we never hibernate

Beware: we never hibernate


Raccoon Collective

Cascadia Guerrilla Gardening Brigade

Guerrilla gardening research lab

If you’re interested in permaculture design services or if you’re ever in the Olympia area I love meeting new folks just email:


@gaiapunk -twitter

Take care and fair share!



14 thoughts on “About Punk Rock Permaculture e-zine

  1. Hey there,

    We linked ya. If you’d like to help, we’d love it! Just start posting comments on the different pages with more resources and spreading the word. Great to see you’ve found us already…

    Blooming in Space


  2. Hi Evan,
    I’m looking at the TTown training in Seattle 5/2 & 5/3. Would like to connect with others already signed up or interested in going. Are you? Anyone you know?


  3. Love your blog. Thanks for the awesome links. I’m over in London, UK, with not much training but lots of enthusiasm for guerilla gardening, so thanks for the hook ups.


  4. hey there friend, saw you at the co-op the other day and discussed the meteor showers. you mentioned you may be heading south sometime soon. please holler at me about this as i am really seeking to join if possible!!! i lost your number!!! so email me and i’ll send you my number or whatever we can work out!


  5. My great friend sent me this link. Thank you for all the inspiration. Presently getting certified in Urban Permaculture in NYC/Brooklyn. Any Brooklyn permies out there interested in connecting/taking action? An Urban Permaculture monthly meet up group is being organized. Come ride the Huge Green wave!


  6. have one fantastic & several good sites picked out(in Lacey), free supply found for raised bed forms. want to network for pardners in direct green bed building for spring 2011. anyone in Oly got eyes on spots? I have one ton flat bed truck with 7’x9′ bed so transport of forms, soil etc is covered. Talk to me! treelady53@yahoo.com


  7. Love it! I have been talking about the similarites between punk rock and permaculture for years: an alternative to society, DIY, creating your own world. Growing your own food is the most punk rock thing you can do! We live on an off grid homestead on 40 acres in southern Humboldt county, California, U.S.A. and are looking for WWOOFies or volunteers for spring 2013 to help implement some permaculture designs. We can offer food and lodging as well as a chance to make a little $ at our booth at the farmer’s market. We’ve got milking goats, chickens, make herbal tinctures and salves and distill essential oil and hydrosol. If interested in lending a hand for the summer of 2013 drop me a line at mglory123@gmail.com PUNK NOT DEAD!!!


  8. Is this the Punk Rock Permaculture that was involved with the Indie Gogo campaign that raised money for a free urban permaculture ebook? If so, what’s happened with that project? If not, just ignore, thanks!


    • Yes it the same, unfortunately, that project may have been a total scam the person who was running rad a popular permaculture resource blog then completely disappeared from the web, very weird. I was only involved indirectly in helping promote the campaign because I thought it was a cool idea, I never had any direct involvement or even a Skype call when I ask if they wanted to do one (which I thought was suspicious). If it was a scam it was a very long scam, it something tragic happened to them that is also terrible, I was never able to find out for sure, but I lean towards scam.


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